The Fisher Family

Sunday, June 30, 2013

Annie's Farewell

Annie spoke in Sacrament meeting today prior to her leaving on her mission.  She did SUCH A GOOD JOB!!  She spoke from the heart and had such a sweet spirit.  She will be such an awesome missionary.  I am so proud of her! After the meeting we were able to get a family picture since we had everyone together.
Annie with a friend.

Caught them snuggling
Jenn and Alyse.
Kim with one of our missionaries we served with.
April and Eliza.
Enjoying good friends and food and family.
Me with my soon to be missionary.
Some people braved the heat and ate ouside.
This is random but grandpa had fun with the two cuties below.
It was one of those really good days that only happen once in a while.  I loved it!!


Megan said...

Good luck Annie! She will do a great job. She is such a beautiful girl!

Unknown said...

Annie oh, I wish I could of been there!! I am so happy for you!! What a great time to be a missionary! We send our love! Love the people and the time in your mission. I am so proud of you and your decision to serve! Take care.