The Fisher Family

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Hawaii 2012

We have just returned from a wonderful eight day trip to the beautiful garden Island of Kauai. Our kind, very generous neighbors provided us with another trip this year back to their beautiful condo on Kauai. Below is us arriving at the airport. We were greeted with shell leis. Don't we look happy! Our first whole day there we did some sight seeing. Behind us is one of Kauai's beautiful water falls.

A closer look.

Above is us with our friends and another couple they had invited. It was fun to meet them and now they are our friends too. We are standing in front of an old cute church near the bird refuge and light house. Below is Kim in front of the light house.

Below is me on the linai of the St. Regis Hotel overlooking the beautiful Hanalei Bay.

Another cute church. Below is Kim and I overlooking a terro field. They make poi from terro.

All of us.

I had never hit a golf ball in my life until this trip. Now I have done that although I don't think I'm very good at it. It was still fun.

Kim on the other hand used to play a lot when he was younger and it all came back to him.

Kim and I on the beautiful Condo grounds.

At the beach. I luv, luv, luv the beach. There was some great snorkeling at this one.Kim and some of our friends also tried the standing paddle boards. Kim was a natural and did so good. He loved it.

Every morning I would get up at first light and go for a walk along the beach. It is so peaceful when no one else is on the beach. There was a little shop across the street that sold cinnamon rolls. It became my morning routine to go for a walk, then get a cinnamon roll and eat it on the beach.

I also love the ocean. This is a hike we took at Mahalapu.

A little frog.

We had a bonfire at the beach at sunset. So fun!

More hiking.

Below is Shipwreck Beach.

One of the many beautiful sunsets.

The wild chickens were everywhere. As well as their little broods.

breakfast at the beach.

Dinner by the beach.

Got this beautiful rainbow on one of my morning walks.

The beach at Kalipaki.

We went canoe surfing and it was so fun!!!

Kim had to do more stand up paddle boarding.

We saw many whales, sea turtles, exotic fish, crabs, frogs, chickens, and one eel. It was hard to come home to real life.


Megan said...

Your pictures are beautiful. I don't think that I could ever get tired of visiting Hawaii.

Terri said...

Oh wow, what a great vacation! I love Hawaii! so glad you had such a great time! The pics are great!

My Three little girls said...

I'm glad you had such a wonderful time and that we survived while you were gone:)

Kurt and Jordan said...

Wow, sounds like one amazing trip!!!! I went through your pictures over and over and couldn't believe how gorgeous they were. Way to go on the golfing, that is one hard sport, I am horrible . Glad you guys had a fun trip, you deserve it!!!