The Fisher Family

Monday, August 27, 2012

A Sweet Sweet Experience!!!

The handsome young man pictured below with my husband is Matthew.  We have had the privilege over the last few months of having him taught the missionary lessons in our home and it has been a sweet, sweet  experience!  There could not be a nicer, more well mannered, sweet young man on the planet.  We are so happy that he has chosen to take the important step of baptism.  My husband had the privilege of  baptizing him last evening.  There was such a sweet spirit present at his baptism that is was just a joy to be there.  We wish him all the best!
Pictures below are of us with him, and his good friends who he works for, as well has with the bishop and the missionaries who taught him.
This is just a sneak preview of what is to come. We have been so busy with wedding plans for Alyse's Nov. wedding.


Megan said...

Having the missionaries teach in your home is such a sweet experience.

I am so excited for Alyse! She will be a beautiful bride.

Terri said...

Oh I didn't know Alyse is getting married! Congratulations she looks beautiful! What a fun event! The pictures of you are very pretty, you all look wonderful.Missionary experiences are so special!

Kurt and Jordan said...

What an amazing experience!! You and your husband have changed the life of sooo many people through your example!!! We sure look up to you guys!!! Can't wait to hear more about the wedding:)

My Three little girls said...

Matthews baptism was a sweet experience:)